Category: Word
Create a Word/PDF in Electronic Reporting (III)
In the last two posts, we explored how to create a Word document with ER. In this final part of the series, I will show you how to fix common issues when working with Word, name the document, and finally export it as a PDF.
Create a Word/PDF in Electronic Reporting (II)
We already have the format mapped, so we can download our Word document by selecting the Word node, going to ‘Attachments’ and then selecting ‘Open’:
Create a Word/PDF in Electronic Reporting (I)
In this series, I’m going to explain the process of creating a Word document in Electronic Reporting (ER) or a PDF, as it can easily be converted to PDF using the ‘Electronic Reporting Destination’. In this post, I’ll be focusing on the format, as the model and the mapping are generic. This method is valid…