There is a recurring pattern across various parts of the ERP system that allows users to select a specific record, a group, or all. This pattern is commonly applied against Customer, Vendor, and Product Masters. The granularity it offers is highly useful, as it simplifies the user’s parameterization process.
For example, with Customers, we can associate a group (Group), which consists of multiple customers, with a single record. Additionally, we can create exceptions for individual customers (Table), and we can also set a default value (All). From a technical perspective, when we request a record associated with a specific Customer, the system first searches for a record tied to that customer. If none is found, it looks for a record associated with the customer’s group, and if that still doesn’t exist, it defaults to the record for All.

Let’s create this pattern for a customer, customer group, and All.
First, we need an Enum with the options ‘Table’, ‘Group’, and ‘All’. We can either create this in our project or reuse a standard Enum or EDT. I’ll directly use the Enum ‘TableGroupAll’. Additionally, we need a primary key (Id) and a field for customers. For the customer field, I’ll create a simple string field to demonstrate that this pattern works well even when there is no default Microsoft EDT.

Let’s create the indexes, ensuring that the same Customer and Enum combination cannot be repeated.

Next, we create two relations of type ‘Relation’: one for the Customer, table ‘CustTable’, and another for the Customer Group, table ‘CustGroup’. Within each, we define a ‘Normal’ relation for the customer/group and a ‘Field Fixed’ relation, specifying the Enum value required for that relation to be active.

Finally, we’ll add a static class that returns the record based on the customer.
public class TST_CustGroupAll extends common
public static TST_CustGroupAll findRecordByCustomer(CustAccount _cust)
TST_CustGroupAll custGroupAll;
// Find the customer
custGroupAll = TST_CustGroupAll::findByCustType(_cust, TableGroupAll::Table);
// If a record was found return it
if (custGroupAll)
return custGroupAll;
// Find the Group
custGroupAll = TST_CustGroupAll::findByCustType(CustTable::find(_cust).CustGroup, TableGroupAll::GroupId);
// If a record was found return it
if (custGroupAll)
return custGroupAll;
// Finally find for all and return it, both if exist or doesn't exist
custGroupAll = TST_CustGroupAll::findByCustType("", TableGroupAll::All);
return custGroupAll;
public static TST_CustGroupAll findByCustType(str _custorGroupCode, TableGroupAll _type, boolean _forUpdate = false)
TST_CustGroupAll custGroupAll;
if(_type == TableGroupAll::All)
_custorGroupCode = "";
if (_forUpdate)
select firstonly custGroupAll
where custGroupAll.Customer == _custorGroupCode
&& custGroupAll.TableGroupAll == _type;
return custGroupAll;
Let’s create a simple list form. In this form, we’ll need to make a few adjustments. First, make the Customer field mandatory. When the Enum is set to ‘All’, the Customer field should no longer be mandatory and should also become non-editable. Additionally, the Customer field’s value should be cleared when the Enum value changes.
To achieve this, we’ll first set the Customer field’s property to ‘Auto Declaration: YES’ so that we can reference it in the form’s code.

Next, we add the logic in the datasource method active()
and in the modified()
method of the TableGroupAll
field in the datasource.

public class TST_CustGroupAll extends FormRun
protected void custGroupAllUpdate()
if(TST_CustGroupAll.TableGroupAll == TableGroupAll::All)
class TST_CustGroupAll
class TableGroupAll
public void modified()
TST_CustGroupAll.Customer = "";
// Updates the customer field display
public int active()
int ret;
ret = super();
// Updates the customer field display
return ret;
After compilation, our form should be working.

We can test our development, for example, using an executable class directly in the browser:
internal final class TST_TstCustGroupAll
public static void main(Args _args)
Info("US-001 " + TST_CustGroupAll::findRecordByCustomer("US-001").Id);
Info("US-002 " + TST_CustGroupAll::findRecordByCustomer("US-002").Id);
Info("US-003 " + TST_CustGroupAll::findRecordByCustomer("US-003").Id);
Info("US-004 " + TST_CustGroupAll::findRecordByCustomer("US-004").Id);

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